Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Hot Mess

This little thing has all the personality of her brother and sisters, plus some to spare. Last night, I was printing some photos and showed her the one below of her in the garbage can watching tv. Just to clarify, she did that on her own.
After I gave her the photo, she grabbed Sean by the hand and dragged him around the house until she found the same wastebasket, and made him put her inside. She is always amazing me by how smart she is. And to think I used to worry that she'd have learning problems. Her neurologist even skipped some testing because she said she doesn't see a reason for them. 

She is also my first girly-girl, which I'm trying to get used to. She slept in a tutu last night, even though it had to be uncomfortable.
 The other kids are also in love with her. Grace is being a huge help, even though she refuses to change diapers. Jackson is always amazed by how much she is learning besides the fact that "babies don't have brains." Yeah, that's why he's not going into medicine.
 Grace and Margaret are taking dance and musical theater this year and are both enjoying it very much.

They had a Christmas show and their final showcase will be in April.

  And Jackson is tearing up the soccer field. Well, he's learning and having fun anyway.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

One Year Old

Here are some new photos from Eleanor's first birthday.  Her party will be Saturday, but she couldn't resist a mini photo shoot to commemorate the occasion.  In case anyone is wondering, she looks exactly like Grace at that age.

Monday, July 18, 2011

4 Months!

 You've come a long way baby.  I think everyone has seen these on FB, but for those of you who haven't- here they are.  I gave up on finding a photographer and just found some good photo editing software, which seemed to be what I was looking for anyway.
It's hard to believe the little cabbage patch kid in the photo below started out as tiny as she did.  I'm so happy she's turning out to be a fat one.

I'm Geo!  Super Shapes!!!

They may look sweet, but it's all a lie!

What a journey...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Going to visit the eye doctor.

Having a brain scan.

I've been having fun dressing Eleanor in adorable outfits since she's home.  Unfortunately, I have to wrap her up after to keep her warm and can't really see the clothes.  She's been out a few times to the doctor and to my cousin Aimee's wedding last weekend.  I also took her outside today to get some fresh air and hang out a bit. She was 6lbs 1oz as of last Thursday and if she can go without an apnea for the next three weeks, she'll get to take off the monitor.  I'm already dreading having to go back to work (but that's also because those crazy people keep bothering me, lol!) (Not you, Amanda and Candy!)

Monday, April 18, 2011

4/18/2011 (34 weeks, 3 days)

Had a false alarm last week when we thought Eleanor was coming home Thursday.  She ended up having an apnea Wed night and so they had to restart the going-home countdown.  She needs to be apnea-free for 5 days before she can come home.  Right now she's on day 4.  I'm not going to explain what that means because I don't want to jinx anything.  Baby girl is up to 4lbs 10oz and is eating about twice as much as they had been giving her before they let her set her own pace.  I need to try and meet with the occupational therapist to practice bottle-feeding.  Bottle-feeding preemies is a process, and I'm not even particularly practiced feeding term babies as I nursed my other three.  I've fed Eleanor once from a bottle and it didn't go well, but I've nursed her a few times and that seems to work out fine.
Special thanks to Ms. Gayle for the beautiful outfit, Candy Pei for the outfit and bath set, and for the Baton Rouge Sigma Alumnae Chapter for lunch last weekend.  It was very yummy!  Grace said the salad was particularly "well-prepared", lol!