Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, March 18, 2011


Eleanor is still breathing on her own.  She's on a CPAP tube for supplemental oxygen because she still forgets to breathe sometimes, which is completely normal for newborns.  She only has apnea about 5 times a day, though, and that's very good.
The doctors started giving her food by tube Wednesday.  She's up from 4ccs to 13ccs every three hours and is digesting everything well.  I am pumping every 2 hours to get my milk supply going.  It's very difficult to get the milk to come in without a baby there, but I'm building up supply, slowly.  I think when I'm a little less afraid and start the kangaroo care (skin-to-skin contact) it will help with the pumping.  They say she may be able to nurse in as little as two weeks, but maybe as much as four.  As stubborn as she is, it'll probably be a week.
She's been on a sunlamp to prevent jaundice, but they took her off today.  I expect she'll be off and on the lamp every now and then since she's cooped up indoors.
Today, I had the first urge to snatch her up and take her home.  I'm getting less afraid of her and seeing the nurses manhandle her while changing her and moving her around, I'm getting more confident that she's not as breakable as I think she is.  Seeing Sean's hand in hers today really made me realize how small she is.  Margaret will finally have someone to push around for a while at least.
All in all, we've been fortunate so far and I just pray that the obstacles ahead of us are as surmountable as the bumps of the past few days.
Getting fed by Daddy

Elle likes to hold Daddy's finger

Nosey Nosey

Getting her tan on

I'm very fortunate that my boss has given me permission to work flexible hours until she is released from the hospital.  That will give me time to pump and visit her often, while allowing me to save my maternity leave for when she does actually get home.  Besides, there are things at work I need to wrap up and I'd probably go insane just sitting home pumping all day with nothing else to occupy my mind.


  1. I think she is beautiful! You are so brave and I so excited to meet the new member of the family. You gave our thoughts as always and I will dot best to try and keep you same the next few weeks

  2. Shannon, She's beautiful and obviously, she has a mind of her own! Sending lots of love and hoping you'll get to bring her home soon. -Kim
