Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Birthday- 3/15/2011

Friday evening I noticed some contractions and spotting, but it really wasn't enough to concern me.  Saturday morning, however, there was more spotting so I went to the hospital.  They put me on Brethine for 3 doses, but it didn't stop the contractions.  They decided to admit me and try Magnesium Sulphate.  After that seemed to work, they put me on an oral med.  Each day, I would wake up with hardly any contractions and they would talk about sending me home on bedrest.  But, by evening, the contractions would be regular again even if they were weak.  
I was really happy that my dad came to stay with the kids Sunday evening because I hadn't seen my family since the previous Sunday.  They were cruising to Belize and Honduras.  Sean brought the kids to see me before dad got there.  It was difficult trying to explain what was going on and trying to not scare them too much.  Sean stayed with me Sunday night and came back Monday and Tuesday.  He was planning to stay Tuesday night, but that's when things got hairy anyway. 
Sean got to the hospital Tuesday at 9:00.  The contractions were already very regular and painful.  We had done the Brethine and Mag Sulphate again, but it wasn't working.  I knew there weren't any other options.  Shortly thereafter my water broke.  I was very scared because I knew she was coming fast.  The doctor didn't really believe me and was trying to do bloodwork (!?!).  At 9:28 I felt her coming and she was out with one push.
I could hear her cry right away and the doctor seemed surprised that she was breathing on her own and very active.  She was also much bigger than I expected, 3 lbs 4 oz.  The NICU doctor asked us who she gets the attitude from.  We were able to visit her that night and they let me hold her.  I remember thinking that she looked like a regular baby, just smaller.  

I wish I knew when she will come home, but there are no hard and fast rules in these situations.  She needs to be able to regulate her body temperature, eat on her own, and breathe without assistance.  There is no magic weight or age at which all that is guaranteed to happen.

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