Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, March 19, 2011

3/19/2011 (30 weeks, 1 day)

Eleanor is getting almost all her nutrients from the feeding tube and almost none from the IV.  Thankfully, my milk seems to be coming in just in time for her to be able to use it.  Sean and the girls went to drop off some breastmilk this morning and Margaret told the nurse "Momma must have worked her butt off for that" when she gave her a bottle with a few teaspoons of milk.  When I took Kayla and Beau to meet her this afternoon, I was able to feed her with a syringe and she's up to 17cc per feeding.
She's spending more time awake and tried to keep her eyes open when she heard Kayla and I talking.
She's still breathing on her own and having fewer apneas, but her heart rate still drops every now and then so they are giving her caffeine to keep the rate up a little.  She gets really cranky when the nurses mess with her to change her and take her temperature, but she stays pretty calm when they just let her lay on her belly.  They dressed her in a little yellow outfit today and Kayla and I decided she needs a bow for her head.  I'm also going to look for a sassy cooler to transport her milk in, since I'll be spending lots of time doing that.  Maybe hot pink and zebra with her name on it. LOL.
Kayla brought her an awesome Louisiana Baby Book with pages for things like "First Crawfish Boil" and "First LSU Game."  I can't wait to get her home so we can start adding experiences.

Generally, I'm hanging in.  Pumping is hard and I'm not really getting a chance to recover from the delivery yet, but I'm not anywhere near as overwhelmed as I could be.  Sean is a huge support and I definitely couldn't do this without him.  That's not saying if we have a bad turn I won't collapse into a heap on the floor, but so far I can at least be as tough as Eleanor is.

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