Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, March 31, 2011

3/31/2011 (31 weeks, 6 days)

The oxygen tube is out!  I knew it wouldn't be long, because Eleanor kept pulling it out on her own.  The feeding tube will be next, because not only does she pull that out too, but she's taking her pacifier well and they will try to start her eating on her own soon.  It will just be one feeding per day to start and we'll have to see if she's strong enough to suck and if she can stay awake long enough to get all the milk she needs.
She's still moving around a lot and if she's on her belly, she can lift her head and switch sides she's laying on.  She keeps getting her monitor wires all tangled in her legs and the nurses have started tying all the wires together to keep her out of them.  (I think she's trying to braid an escape rope.)
So far, she's got a really sweet disposition and the nurses are having a bit of fun playing dress-up with her.  They've been putting her in Newborn-sized clothes and they are a little large, but not as bad as you'd think.
She's almost 17 inches long and she's up to 3lbs 7 oz as of last night.  She's doing better at regulating her temperature and she'll probably be out of the incubator soon as well.  She just needs to fatten up a bit more.
Tuesday was her two-week birthday (flying by already!) and based on absolutely nothing- I'd predict she's got another two weeks in the hospital at most.  Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and prayers.  And thanks to Kamie for the bucket of clothes.  I think we have the same taste in childrens' clothes; everything is adorable.

In other news, Grace has two cracked teeth (!) and needs a double root canal and caps (!).  She's already been to one dentist and refused to let him treat her, so we're trying again next Tuesday.  The dentist said it's probably because she snacks all day long and doesn't give her mouth a rest from having food/ sugar in it.  Please add Grace to your prayers this week.

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